What is Private VAT?

Private VAT is what we call VAT that has been paid directly to you, the operative. This means we
need to collect the financial data and VAT from you, rather than from the company who paid you.
You will need to send us payslips or invoices for the previous month by the cut-off of the 10th of the
month. (E.g. All March payslips by April 10th)

There are some companies who we are unable to invoice for VAT. Should this be the case, you will
need to invoice them yourselves and pay the VAT on to us. We have available a template for your
VAT invoices and can answer any questions you may have.

What can I charge VAT on?

As a VAT registered individual, you should now charge VAT on the labour element of your selfemployed
work. You cannot claim VAT on purchases, other than certain capital assets over
£2,000.00. More information is available from our VAT department or the HMRC website.
“I didn’t charge VAT on my invoice."

If you have not invoiced for VAT, even though you are VAT registered, you will need to contact our
VAT department for recommendations on your next step.

You may still be able to claim the VAT, or you may have to pay the VAT liability yourself. Depending
on the value of the liability, it may no longer be beneficial to remain VAT registered.

What happens if I keep the VAT?

Once we are aware you have received a direct payment of VAT, we cannot submit your VAT return
without including it. If you will not pay the VAT to us for the submission, we will have no choice but
to deregister as your VAT agent, leaving you responsible for your own VAT affairs.


“I’ve spent the VAT already, I can’t pay now!”

Unfortunately this will not stop HMRC from applying penalties if your VAT returns are late. If you are
unable to pay the VAT due in full, we would recommend that you contact us to arrange a payment
plan in order to clear your debt in a manageable way and avoid penalties.


How and where should I make payment?

The prefered method would be a bank transfer to the below details:
Account name: IN-SYNC VAT Services
Sort Code: 20-79-37
Account number: 93987450
We can also take payment by cheque or by card over the phone. These methods are not recommended
as the longer processing time could potentially delay your return submission.

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